About Me?


Muhammad Zufar Al Hafidz

Is my formal Name. I began my programming journey back in 2021, creating my own Discord Bot using Youtube Tutorials. Since then, countless (not really) projects have been made, from basic landing page to full-stack website using ExpressJS.

I am a self-taught programmer, until i began my Compsci degree at ITS, Surabaya. My first (frontend) framework interest was Nuxt + Vue, but nowadays i'm also capable of using Next + React too.

Currently as stated before, i'm an Undergraduate Informatics Engineering Student at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, batch 2023. On free time, i usually create mini projects such as imagebox for my manga website.

My hobby is to procasinate, watching Anime, and create mini projects.